Our Community
An Overview
The Sanctuary at Mangawhai Heads is a rural lifestyle community of approximately 176ha, with freehold titles for each Lot and shared ownership of the facilities on common land: lakes, roads, tennis courts, bush, wetlands, a children’s play area, an olive grove, communal rubbish bins and for those properties adjacent to the lake there is the sewage treatment facility. It currently consists of over 80 lots.
There are two formed walkways through the 77ha bush lot, with several streams. The lower walk is around ten minutes and features a board walk while the other goes in a loop to the top of the hill and takes around one hour.
The Sanctuary Residents Association (SRA), which all lot owners are required to join, is tasked with maintaining the infrastructure of the development for the use and enjoyment of the lot owners, so that such things as rubbish removal, gates and road maintenance, mowing and planting on commonly owned land and predator control will be taken care of for members. A levy to cover the cost of these is set annually.
​The Sanctuary Residents Association (SRA)
The Sanctuary Residents Association (SRA) is an Incorporated Society. It has an elected Board of five, and a sub-committee, the Design Committee. At present, all the Board and Design Committee members are volunteers and unpaid.
Vern Dark: Chairperson
Responsibilities include Legal Matters, Weed Control, Olive Grove Maintenance, Health and Safety and Rubbish Collection
Chris Foote: Secretary
Responsibilities include Board Minutes, Website, Resident Contact Information, Sanctuary Communications and Working Bees
Jo Cooper: Treasurer
Responsibilities include Finance and Payments
James Hook
Responsibilities include Roads, Predator Control, Video Cameras and Security North Gate area
Malcolm Knox
Responsibilities include Gate Code Management, Tennis Courts, Wastewater Maintenance, General Maintenance and Security
SRA Board contact email for general enquiries: thesanctuarymangawhai@gmail.com
Treasurer contact email for financial/levy enquiries: sra.board.treasurer@gmail.com
The principal responsibilities of the SRA are:
To develop, maintain and preserve the common facilities and the recreational and conservation opportunities within The Sanctuary.
To maintain the communal wastewater system including on site lot systems.
To coordinate and manage predator control.
To manage the rubbish collection system.
To collect and administer expenditure of an annual levy.
To manage maintenance contracts on behalf of members.
To mediate disputes between members.
The SRA levy is agreed at the AGM annually and currently consists of two parts:
the annual charge
a sinking fund levy for the roads
There is an additional levy, applicable to only the 22 lakeside properties:
a wastewater user charge
The SRA has the power to pass bylaws in pursuit of its objectives.
The Sanctuary Gate Access System
The Sanctuary is a gated community with separate North and South entrance and exit gates. There is no internal vehicle access between the North and South areas.
Both North and South gates have security cameras operating 24 hours per day.
Entry methods
By using the current general gate code
By using a remote control fob
Telephone entry
Exit Methods
Automatic Gate Opening
Keypad Exit
House and Landscape Design
The Covenants and SRA Rules require the establishment of a Design Committee. The Design Committee is required to ensure that all building and landscape plans are in conformity with The Sanctuary Covenants and rules.
Before commissioning building or other plans, the owner and/or designers are required to arrange a meeting with the Design Committee to discuss initial site planning, building and landscaping ideas for the property.
For more detailed information please refer to the Design Committee page on this website. Here you will find links to download the Design Committee Handbook, flow chart and checklist.
Common Areas
The common land is intended for the use and enjoyment of residents and their guests. However, with privileges come responsibilities. Anyone entering the bush walking tracks must clean their shoes to avoid introducing kauri dieback. A brush and spray are available by the tennis courts.
A jetty has been constructed on each lake, which abound with native eels and other migratory fish, and are a sanctuary for several species of duck, black swans and shags. Members are welcome to kayak or row on the lakes. Motorised watercraft are prohibited.
No shooting or open fires are allowed anywhere without permission of the SRA Board.
The SRA is responsible for maintenance of the roads and mowing the common land grassed areas. Lot owners are responsible for keeping their berms in a neat and tidy condition.
Approximately half of all land in The Sanctuary is covenanted bush or wetland enhancement. Many resident owners will have covenanted land on their titles. All covenanted bush is protected and members are responsible for maintaining it and eliminating noxious weeds. The SRA has the same responsibility for the covenanted common land.
Details of all Covenants can be found on the Library page on our website.
Communal Wastewater System
The 22 Lots that are lake edge properties are connected to a communal wastewater treatment plant located halfway up Robert Hastie Drive. The SRA is responsible for overseeing the system and the 22 Lots pay a separate levy for system maintenance. Anyone connected to the system must use a maintenance contractor approved by The SRA for the primary treatment system on their Lot.
The dripper field is planted as an olive grove. The SRA is responsible for its maintenance and, when the crop permits, an annual olive harvest is organised with the oil shared between harvesters, who also share the costs of pressing and bottling.
Rubbish Collection
The rubbish collection area is on Robert Hastie Drive, just over the bridge. There are three separate collection bins: one for recyclables, one for cardboard and one for landfill rubbish. The recycled rubbish is further sorted off site by our contractor. The bins are emptied weekly with more frequent pick-ups during holiday periods.
The rubbish collection system is strictly for the use of SRA lot owners and no commercial or contractor waste is permitted. The waste area is monitored by a security camera to assist preventing illegal use of the facility.
Predator and Weed Control
Predator control in the Sanctuary is mandated by the covenants in order to enable native wildlife to flourish. A network of mustelid traps has been laid along with rat baiting stations on the common land. The SRA Board has them monitored regularly. These need to be supplemented with traps on private Lots. Anyone with a property bordering covenanted bush should have both rat and possum traps.
Members are also responsible for the maintenance of any covenanted bush on their own properties and the prevention of any noxious weeds from being introduced. See Section 5 of Covenant 8581297.2 and Consent Notice 8509265.4 Clauses 7-14 and Conservation Covenant 8138731.7
The Sanctuary Residents Association is responsible for maintenance of the roads within The Sanctuary. This is a considerable undertaking and a portion of the annual levy residents pay each year is placed into a sinking fund to allow for any major works that maybe required in the future. Further information on the Sinking Fund can be found in the SRA AGM Financial Report.
The speed limit throughout the Sanctuary is 30 km/h.
Residents/visitors and contractors are requested not to park on the grass berms during the winter months. The ground gets very wet with all the rainwater draining down off the hills and there have been occasions where vehicles have had to be towed off the berms leaving considerable amounts of damage that requires repair.
Pets and Livestock
Dogs and cats are allowed in The Sanctuary. However, Lots 81-94 have more stringent conditions – cats must have bells when outside and dogs must be contained in a yard.
No animals are allowed in covenanted bush areas. Other livestock such as cows, sheep and horses are permitted but must be contained within the owner’s property and are not allowed on common land. Chickens are not allowed under the covenants, and neither is breeding of most animals.
The information supplied here is an abridged version of the Residents Handbook and Owners can download a full version of the Handbook from the 'Residents Only Page'.